Grow your business in our online marketplace filled with wholesale buyers

The free and easy way for wholesale buyers to discover & buy your products
Fast & free setup
A screenshot of Upstock wholesale ordering app

Join the largest online hospo marketplace.

Faster, easier, smarter and free.

Deciphering garbled voicemails, emails and text messages is an expensive waste of your time. With Upstock, your customers order directly from your catalog – reducing errors, saving time, money and frustration for everyone.

App-Based Ordering.

No more late-night voicemails.

Deciphering garbled texts and emails isn’t fun. With Upstock, your customers use the app to order directly from your catalog, reducing errors and saving you time.

Automatic invoicing.

Works like magic.

When a customer places an order, all you have to do is approve it. The invoice is automatically generated and sent without you having to lift a finger.

Upstock integrates with Xero accounting software to automatically generate and send invoices for every order you receive

Get discovered.

Thousands of buyers on Upstock are looking for new products.

Showcase your brand and your unique products by being featured in the Upstock Directory.

"Upstock has made ordering quicker and easier so we’d never go back to emailing orders."

All of your wholesale orders in one place.

Upstock makes it easy to see your entire order history – who ordered what and when.

Introducing price lists.

Ultimate pricing control.

A screenshot of Upstock wholesale ordering app

More time & cost savings, helping you

focus on growing the business.

Deciphering garbled texts and emails isn’t fun. With Upstock, your customers use the app to order directly from your catalog, reducing errors and saving you time.

App-Based Ordering.

No more late-night voicemails.

Deciphering garbled texts and emails isn’t fun. With Upstock, your customers use the app to order directly from your catalog, reducing errors and saving you time.

Automatic invoicing.

Works like magic.

When a customer places an order, all you have to do is approve it. The invoice is automatically generated and sent without you having to lift a finger.

Upstock integrates with Xero accounting software to automatically generate and send invoices for every order you receive

Get discovered.

Thousands of buyers on Upstock are looking for new products.

Showcase your brand and your unique products by being featured in the Upstock Directory.

"Upstock has made ordering quicker and easier so we’d never go back to emailing orders."

All of your wholesale orders in one place.

Upstock makes it easy to see your entire order history – who ordered what and when.

Lightning bolt icon

Update products instantly

Add, change or remove any product and all your buyers are updated instantly

Xero icon

Integrates with Xero

Automatically attach and link invoices from Xero to all your orders

Messaging icon

In-app messaging

Send & receive messages with any order, so everyone can see what was discussed

Cloud icon

Works on all devices

Securely available anytime, anywhere and it’s always backed up

Team icon

Team access

Give people on your team easy access to manage or view orders

History icon

Complete order history

See all the details of every order you’ve ever made on Upstock

Coffee roasters use Upstock for wholesale ordering

Coffee roasters

Upstock is ideal for coffee roasters and franchises. Mojo Coffee supplies beans and fresh baked goods to all their outlets using Upstock. With Upstock, head office monitors and controls what each outlet is ordering, streamlining their end-to-end supply chain operation. Order from Good Fortune, Coffee Lab, Coffee Partners, Pomeroy's, Crossbow and others.

Soft drinks makers use Upstock for wholesale ordering

Soft drinks & juices

For producers like Six Barrel Soda and Foxton Fizz Upstock lets them quickly dispatch their daily orders, including orders going through 3PL providers, for faster and more accurate distribution. Order from Chia Sisters, Redeem, Hakanoa, No Ugly and many others

Wine, beer, and liquor producers use Upstock for wholesale ordering

Wine, beer & liquor

When ordering alcohol it's critical that buyers specify the exact vintage or brew, as well as the right unit size – otherwise it causes expensive and wasteful errors, not to mention frustrated customers. With Upstock, orders are always specific and highly accurate. Order from Native Sparkling, Garage Project, Regional Wines & Spirits, Negociants and many others on Upstock.

Bakeries use Upstock for wholesale ordering


Bakeries are around the clock operations, with precise lead times, and perishable goods that need to be delivered fresh from the oven. That's why bakeries like Pandoro, Dough Bakery, Zaida and others depend on Upstock to make sure they're getting orders quickly and accurately.

Dry goods makers use Upstock for wholesale ordering

Dry goods

Everything from pasta to museli, spices, nuts, chips and sweets available from amazing producers like Bongusto, Yum, Proper Crisps, Tio Pablo, and others.

Meat and veg producers use Upstock for wholesale ordering

Meat & veg

Getting fresh goods delivered fresh means processing orders quickly, that's why Bostock, Shoots Microgreens, Carve, Capital Produce, L'Authentique, Capital Eggs, and others depend on Upstock to keep things fresh.

Upstock saves suppliers time & money

Clock icon
New stockists typically
Increases 5–20%
Clock icon
Processing times typically drop from
2–3 Hours to 15 minutes
Clock icon
Daily errors typically drop from
5–15% to nearly 0%

See why suppliers love Upstock to streamline & grow

Thousands of buyers are connected on Upstock • Join the largest, fastest growing marketplace

Read customer stories

Get added to the Upstock directory for free!

$0 setup fees. 0% commission fees.
Sell for free – upgrade to manage orders for only

$1 per order

or less with volume

Start selling for free

Frequently asked questions

Is there a setup fee?

Setup is FREE. You can even list all your products on Upstock for FREE. If you choose to use Upstock for managing orders, it costs $1 per order (or less, with volume discounts).

Why is pricing based on usage rather than a flat fee?

If it was flat fee pricing, you'd be charged regardless of your order volumes – as we've seen with covid, order volumes are impacted, so usage pricing is more fair and sustainable.

Will my customers be charged to place an order with me?

No, customers aren't charged to place orders – we don’t want there to be any barriers for your customers placing orders.